One year and quite a few more months. To date. And I managed to make myself get up and start on this post. I didn’t realize it was that long ago that I published my last post.
I will make it short. A single ingredient recipe should not make a long post!
Would you like a tall glass of sweet, muddled berries, all fresh, minty and carbonated, on a summer afternoon? If you want yours spiked, we have that too.
I am sure all of you are having your share of the summer, well at least in some parts of the world. I have a recipe for you which would be right for any hot and sweltering day. Raita (rāytā) is an Indian salad/side dish made with creamy yogurt and any […]
The fresh tender peas always remind me of Spring. Delicate wispy shoots, the nascent tender peas nestled close in their pods, the light green hue – all of it spell fresh and a new beginning.
var linkwithin_site_id = 36113; (function () { var elem = document.createElement(‘script’); elem.type = ‘text/javascript’; elem.src = ‘’ […]
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