Khandvi: Seasoned Chickpea Rolls



The very first time I saw Khandvi being made at the comfort of a home kitchen was by my mother in law.




Granola, Yogurt and Strawberry Parfait




Just because spring is here!





Green Peas Stir Fry with Chaat Masala

The fresh tender peas always remind me of Spring. Delicate wispy shoots, the nascent tender peas nestled close in their pods, the light green hue – all of it spell fresh and a new beginning.



Cabbage and Chickpea Roulade

This cabbage roulade is just a fancy musical name for a very popular Indian Paatra or Pathrode. An all savory vegan dish, traditionally paatra is made with the beautiful leaves of colocasia/taro root/arbi. The leaves are layered, rolled, steamed, sliced like little pretty pinwheels, and then tempered with spices.



Melon Fruit Bowl

The fruits bowls are from my backyard – yes the cantaloupes. We harvested about eight cantaloupes this year; not a lot but the garden had been harassed and devoured by our bunnies, even before the plants got to grow.

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