Lauki Chana Dal – Soupy Lentils with Bottle Gourd


A bowlful really perfect for the summer time – quick to cook, light, lemony and healthy. It is the simplest kind, usually not heard of very often when “Indian Cuisine” in general is discussed. Cooked with very little spices, and “satvic” in nature, it is a recipe which has pretty much remained cloistered […]


Kumro Chenchki: Stir Fried Pumpkin with Bengali Five Spice for A Food Lover’s Journey



I have a very humble recipe from home today.





Sirke Wali Pyaaz: Pickled Onions – The Indian Restaurant Way



Included in the Huffington Post Kitchen Daily – Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Pickle Recipe


Almost every Indian restaurant in the northern parts of India will have this little bowl of vinegar dipped little red onions waiting for you when you get yourself seated.



Chickpea and Poppy Seed Batter Fried Squash Blossom


Featured in the Huffington Post, Kitchen Daily


While fried blossoms are enjoyed in a lot of cuisines in many different ways, the batter and the spices used in here makes this so typically Indian. What is even more special is that the blossoms are from our backyard



Hummus Stuffed Pita with Roasted Vegetables


Here is the recipe of another kind of Hummus Sandwich for a quick and healthy meal.


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