Khandvi: Seasoned Chickpea Rolls



The very first time I saw Khandvi being made at the comfort of a home kitchen was by my mother in law.




Poppy Seed and Chickpea Crusted Potatoes

There are a few dishes as simple and as universal as fried potatoes – but done in different ways in different parts of the world.



Cabbage and Chickpea Roulade

This cabbage roulade is just a fancy musical name for a very popular Indian Paatra or Pathrode. An all savory vegan dish, traditionally paatra is made with the beautiful leaves of colocasia/taro root/arbi. The leaves are layered, rolled, steamed, sliced like little pretty pinwheels, and then tempered with spices.



Stuffed Khandvi: Savory Layered & Nut Stuffed Chickpea Swirls

These look like Khandvis, because they are Khandvis… only I have layered them & stuffed them. Basic old recipes are treasures, however sometimes when that adventurous itch rears it’s head, I need to give in to my temptations to the looming who knows what will happen. Sometimes the adventure is a disaster, […]


Mixed Flour & Root Vegetables Paratha/Flatbread


The children are back to school. We had a fun & rejuvenating holiday this time, doing nothing much – waking up late in the morning, lazing around, reading, decorating together, cooking/baking & a small trip to the Polar Express Train Ride ( This was just awesome- the kids had a blast). […]


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