Dhoka – Fried Lentil Cakes

I am back! Two long months went by in a wink and we are here with plenty of memories and experiences to last for a life time. The time fleeted by quick, almost like a dream… changes and familiarity, reconnecting with the cultures, and traditions, the joys of meeting and the tears of the […]


Onion Crackers

Straight from Red Chillies to my kitchen, baked & gone in a few minutes. Ever since I laid my eyes on these crackers in Supriya’s blog, I had been itching to lay my hands on them. These got pretty popular soon after she posted them. I saw a lot of you try these out […]


Farinata with Grilled Vegetables

A local street food of Italy, in the Liguria Region, Farinata is definitely a comfort food that feeds your soul too. It is thicker than a crepe, thinner than a pancake, more like a thin crust pizza base & can be eaten like a pizza – plain, stuffed or topped. Very similar […]


Asian Pancakes

The colors of the Spring outdoors add the bounty & color to the stores. I had been seeing quite a variety of new things, or may be I had seen these before but never paid attention. It read Spring Onions ( I always

thought that spring onions & scallions were the same thing) […]


Stuffed Khandvi: Savory Layered & Nut Stuffed Chickpea Swirls

These look like Khandvis, because they are Khandvis… only I have layered them & stuffed them. Basic old recipes are treasures, however sometimes when that adventurous itch rears it’s head, I need to give in to my temptations to the looming who knows what will happen. Sometimes the adventure is a disaster, […]


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