Lau-er Khosha Bata: Chutney with Bottle Gourd Peel



This is an old recipe, revived, bringing in tides of nostalgia.

A recipe that strongly arouses memories of my childhood days with my grandparents. A grandpa immersed in books and a grandma who I like to associate with having a black wooden bureau adorned with wrought iron lions handles. I would like […]


Tetor Dal: Lentils with Bitter Melon



I have a bitter-sweet relationship with this recipe. “Bitter” already appears in the post title, but why sweet? It has to do more with my emotions than the taste. This is one of those recipes which are cloistered in typically Bengali homes. Almost protected. It rarely makes it way on the table […]


Safed Paneer: Indian Cheese Cooked in Rich White Sauce



Safed Paneer is a luxurious dish belonging to the royal cuisine of Rajasthan.




Roasted Corn and Peanut Chaat/Indian Salad



There is no sign of rain. The summer is marching on with blue skies, bursts of puffy clouds and the mercury reading in triple digits. On one such afternoon, while I waited in the car for my girl to come out of the school, the idea of this salad was born. The […]


Watermelon Curry: Lightly Spiced Stewed Watermelon



Summers, for us are sealed and kissed with watermelons. Every week we are hugging and cradling an enormous green back home with promises of sweet juicy times.

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