Radish and Mint Salad



We have sunshine and some warmth too! After what seemed like endless days of overcast skies, freezing rain and cold, the clouds broke and we have the perfectly blue skies.



Roasted Corn and Peanut Chaat/Indian Salad



There is no sign of rain. The summer is marching on with blue skies, bursts of puffy clouds and the mercury reading in triple digits. On one such afternoon, while I waited in the car for my girl to come out of the school, the idea of this salad was born. The […]


Tabbouleh with Brown Chickpeas



l combined the earthy, brown chickpeas with the Tabbouleh to make a meal with a mezze.




Zucchini Raita: Zucchini and Yogurt Salad




I am sure all of you are having your share of the summer, well at least in some parts of the world. I have a recipe for you which would be right for any hot and sweltering day. Raita (rāytā) is an Indian salad/side dish made with creamy yogurt and any […]


Kachumber: Quick Indian Cucumber, Tomato Salad

Kachumber is the most popular kind of salad that we have with our meals in India; something extremely basic and easy to make.


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