Wasabi marinated Salmon with Cucumber Salad



Wasabi reminds me of the so familiar freshly ground mustard paste.




Gobi Manchurian/Cauliflower Fritters in Spicy Sauce

Another star of the Indian Chinese cuisine. “Gobi” is Cauliflower & “Manchurian” is a tangy spicy sauce with Chinese inspired flavors. This spicy, slightly crunchy “pick me ups” are perfect appetizers or may even be served as a side dish.



Green Beans Tomatoes and Almonds with Sumac

Lovely green beans, juicy tomatoes, and almonds spiced with our favorite -the deep red sumac. A dish full of flavor and crunch.



Hakka Noodles

Hakka Noodles belongs to the Indo-Chinese cuisine; an immensely popular and widespread cuisine in India tho’ it bears no resemblance to actual traditional Hakka or to any Chinese dishes. Noodles here are quickly stir fried with a spicy “Indian Chinese” flavored sauce and crunchy vegetables.



Mushroom Pepper Fry

Few fresh bell peppers, a whole basket full of hot chili peppers, some tomatoes & bitter gourds are a few things that I harvested from my yard a couple of days back; fresh, glossy & happy produce of my efforts through the summer.

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