Rosemary and Ginger Roasted Fruit Rolls

Baking is therapeutic for me. Along with the calm feeling instilled by the warmth of the oven and the wonderfully smelling home, there arises within me a tiny bit of triumph with every success, a little smile and a small pat on the back.



Poppy Seed Crusted Tomato and Onion Tart

Summer sneaked out alright, but the tomatoes did not. Not here. That is why I love Texas. While we simmer in the summer heat, the fall is the time to really be outside and enjoy, more like what you call “summer” else where.



Rosemary Poached Stone Fruit and Ginger Ice Cream

This is an ice cream with very unusual but fantastic flavors and deep inside I feel a nice fuzzy feeling of happiness for creating this delicious frozen treat.



Chicken Stew

A hearty stew, with a medley of fragrant spices that is surely going to warm your soul and stomach!



Black Rice Risotto with Roasted Tomato Sauce & Truffle Oil

The Black Rice from Veneto & the Truffle Scented Oil had come all the way from Italy. Since then I have been trying to figure out the best way to use them, for this product is luxury for me. If possible I would save it & not use it at all, that way I […]


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