Robibar-er Murgi-r Jhol: Sunday afternoon Chicken Curry


We had Chicken Curry for dinner… In a very Bengali way… chicken with potatoes, cooked and marinated with mustard oil, garnished with fresh cilantro from the back yard! The kind is usually termed as the Robibar er Murgir Jhol (Sunday Chicken Curry) as it is laden with memories and almost a tradition to […]


Shrimp Curry with Nigella and Coriander


A beautifully flavored simple shrimp curry is what we have today. I would call it “Chingri Maacher Jhaal” in Bengali. A recipe cannot get simpler than this. If you think making curry was hard work, you have to give this a try 🙂 You might just change your mind!




Indian Spiced Crash Potatoes

A lightly seasoned recipe for little red potatoes is what we have today…




Green Peas Stir Fry with Chaat Masala

The fresh tender peas always remind me of Spring. Delicate wispy shoots, the nascent tender peas nestled close in their pods, the light green hue – all of it spell fresh and a new beginning.



Mint Flavored Minced Meat Kebab/Rolls

The winter (that never was this year) is officially over I think. We had no snow, not a flake.

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