Masala Chana Dal – Spiced Split Grams

I have got to love my life surrounded with little girls, candy trees, unicorns and … and also some masala chana dal.



Shrimp Stew with Zucchini Tomato and Lentil

Summer brings in colors, vibrancy, fresh fruits and vegetables and also the sun and the heat. And the kind of heat this time that I am ready to do a fast forward in time and step into the crisp autumn time.



Spiced Lentil Stuffed Flat Bread (Ajwain Dal Paratha)


Dal(Lentil) paratha/flat bread is something which I learned from my grandmother. My grandparents lived only a few minutes away from our home. And it would be often that my grandpa would walk by with a bag of hot, freshly made parathas and a bunch of flowers for me.



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