RAW: Black and White Wednesday


Not many words today…





Stir Fried Green Beans and Potatoes with Coriander

Stir fried beans and potatoes is a quick comfort food for us. When something gets cooked once every week or two weeks for many years, and is still appreciated and loved thoroughly, you know it is good.



Green Beans with Pecans and Cranberries

Today I will leave you with a very simple side dish. Fresh green beans are briefly cooked with the pecans, the jeweled dried cranberries and some citrus zest.



Mushroom Almond Burger

A burger for a wholesome, healthy, satisfying meal. A sandwich or a burger is probably the most common lunch idea. They are available everywhere and there are million ways to do them.



Cabbage with Peas and Potatoes – Bandhakopir Torkaari

A simple homey side dish of cabbage, peas and potatoes cooked in a very Bengali way.

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