Radish and Mint Salad



We have sunshine and some warmth too! After what seemed like endless days of overcast skies, freezing rain and cold, the clouds broke and we have the perfectly blue skies.



Peanut, Mango and Cucumber Salad

I had a “some different kind of peanut salad” in mind when I was planning out healthy starters for a party, but what became of it was entirely on impulse and whatever I found in the refrigerator. This is a recipe born in the process and it simple and a zesty one too.



Barley and Spinach Fall Salad with Maple Syrup Vinaigrette

This recipe got featured in the Maple Syrup World.

Yellow, red and orange, may be some brown too. I am slowly getting used to the pleasantly chilly morning and the evening and the comfortable nip in the air. There are not more than a few leaves turned red right now […]


Carrots and Beans with Caraway, Harissa and Pistachios

A very simple recipe with prominent Tunisian flavors of caraway and harissa.



Roasted Artichokes Chickpeas & Garlic Salad with Lemon & Sesame

Artichokes and chickpeas roasted with garlic and lightly coated with lemon and sesame. Not much going on here, but the salad does offer a full burst of flavor and nutrition.

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