Tandoori Fish

Sometimes food from the Indian Sub Continent make the vibrant appearance in bright orange or red color, along with some grilled onions & peppers, making them look extremely appetizing. It could be meat, fish or cheese; and when you bite into them they are delicately succulent wonders. These are the well known “Tandoori” or […]


Eggplant/Brinjal with Poblano Peppers

The other day we went out for dinner with a family who had a question about Indian Culture. They wanted to know why Indian Women wear the “DOT” on their forehead. Well I think that the subject is worth exploring. Why do you think Indian Women wear Bindi? I […]


Cauliflower Stir Fry in Ginger & Soy Sauce

Children are a joy & mine are growing very very fast. Birthdays are such a special time, but these days always bring in a down tone for me… the years are just flying by, and soon I will have no tiny, helpless, clinging baby to hold:-( Well, we have to […]


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