Orange Scented Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse

Dark Chocolate Mousse – is a sweet comfort when life moves at a pace faster than we can handle. The orange perks me up; the lovely sunshine color and its perfume, especially when paired together with dark chocolate, defines dessert at its best.



Summer Fruit Tea Cake

Summer is officially coming to an end. However Texas is not ready for fall; we are still in high nineties leaving the 3 digit temperatures just a week behind. The markets are still exhibiting the pretty colors and all the fruits and berries you can ask for and at very reasonable price.



Orange Ginger Shortbread Cookies

Baking with kids: Simple, light, melt in the mouth orange flavored cookies with a hint of ginger along with some sweet time with the gals.



Orange Pineapple Sherbet and a Review

A few scoops of freshness and zest to cool you down. Fruity, slushy and with a wonderful citrus flavor, this sherbet will keep you going through summer and make you want to take spoonful quite often through the day.



Cherry, Orange and Almond Sweet Buns

The base recipe is along the lines of the Slovenian Easter Buns – Velikonocni Kruhki which I had done last year during the spring time. Yes this time in spirit of the advent of spring; of the light, bright, and the cheerful; hoping to bring it on soon with these blooming flavors.

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