Poppy Seed Crusted Tomato and Onion Tart

Summer sneaked out alright, but the tomatoes did not. Not here. That is why I love Texas. While we simmer in the summer heat, the fall is the time to really be outside and enjoy, more like what you call “summer” else where.



Green Beans Tomatoes and Almonds with Sumac

Lovely green beans, juicy tomatoes, and almonds spiced with our favorite -the deep red sumac. A dish full of flavor and crunch.



Garlic Mushroom Soup

Creamy, garlicky mushroom soup drizzled with lots of hot oil…spicy, warm and irresistible when the temperature takes a plunge.



Basil Pesto

(A little update here: Since this post has been in my draft, I had to add this before I posted.. for I am thrilled today. Michelle picked my Blueberry Gelato for the Host Award, DMBLGIT September 2009. Yaaaa:-D)

I waited all summer very very patiently, but at last my dreams came true.



Red Lentil & Vegetable Soup

A plain old lentil soup, can bring immense comfort sometimes.

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