The oven warmed and glowed, the rolls slowly rose and browned, and every nook of my home was full of the warm spiced heaven sent aroma. These soft, spiraled flaky rolls stuffed with spiced caramelized apples, nuts and cinnamon have been baking in the kitchen early on last weekend.
Rose Milk is simply a blend of milk and tender fragrant rose petals. It is simple but elegant and conjures up an image which is truly unique and very much like a fairy tale; dreamy pretty pink (hmmm…not exactly), exotic and meant just for girls and […]
Rich, irresistible and moist; packed with different types of nuts, zucchini and double dose of heavenly chocolate is this sweet, eggless, quick bread. Even though it is baked as a loaf bread, the texture and taste comes closer to a decadent chocolate cake more than that of a bread.
A very indulgent breakfast on a very slow weekend morning; paper thin almond flavored warm crêpes topped with zesty and fruity compote and snowy, powdery sugar. Dessert for breakfast anyone?
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