Avocado & Roasted Corn Salsa


The Spring air smells good. Along with the change of season comes the colorful blooms of the pretty flowers & some fresh vegetables& fruits in the market. The local market got crates of fresh corn & avocado. (I was somehow under the impression that the corns came during fall..) Anyway. we got quite […]


Chicken & Roasted Capsicum Pasta – for Hay Hay It’s Donna Day

It’s time for HHDD #26!

First I started reading Meeta’s post with curiosity, then I was in for some surprise, later came the total disbelief when I saw my name was up there along with an excerpt of my email to Meeta. She had sent me a sweet email too, […]


Potato Salad with Herbs & Tomatoes – A “Fresh Moroccan” Taste

Last week I was at the bookstore, just browsing & I came across this Book called “Fresh Moroccan” by Nada Saleh. I immediately got drawn to the beautiful picture of a heap of Saffron on the cover of the book. I started looking through it, & my heart refused to come back home without […]


Zest & Colors – Add some to your life!

Colors & Zest! I do need both now. I have replaced my regular lunch with salad with whatever vegetables are available in the market, some protein like nuts or tofu or beans and no carb. atleast for a few weeks now till I get myself back to […]


Chick Pea Salad with Roasted Tomatoes

Chickpea Salad with Roasted Tomatoes

Some days I am in no mood to cook for lunch, neither eat a heavy one. Especially when the children are in school and the dear hubby at work and I am racing to get as much done as possible without any distraction present:-). Does that happen to […]


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