Aamer Ombol – Chilled Green Mango Soup or Cooler

If you looking for some exotic drink or soup to cool you down, this is for you. Aam is Mango and Ombol (pronoun: “awm-bol”) is a traditional sweet and tangy cooler or a chilled soup which will refresh you.We are at the peak of summer; bright and hot with the temperature sliding easily over […]


Cabbage with Peas and Potatoes – Bandhakopir Torkaari

A simple homey side dish of cabbage, peas and potatoes cooked in a very Bengali way.



Roasted Tomato and Lentil Dip

Yet another hummus? Quite close, but this time the inspiration of this recipe is closer the the Indian chutneys. An easy and versatile dip and a perfect way to use up the luscious summer tomatoes.



Brown Rice and Pineapple Fried Rice

Sweet fresh pineapples combined with some seriously spicy rice.



Sautéed Cabbage and Sweet Onions with Almonds

Lightly sauteed cabbage with sweet onions and almond. A pretty cool recipe for a pretty non exciting vegetable.

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