Stuffed Pear in Spiced Orange Sauce

Stuffed Pear in Spiced Orange Sauce

The Only Lonely pear stared back at me from the fruit basket. And I did not feel like eating this fruit at all. I knew if I was another day late, it would start having the stale brown spots. Well to save this little soul, I tried […]


My Bunnies were happy too…

This was a quick fix for “something fancy” craving of my daughter. She is voraciously hungry when she gets back from school, and one of these days she wanted “something yummy like pizza or chips”. It wasn’t dinnertime yet, and I would not give her Doritos. So […]


Chinese Bhel




It is Indo Chinese. It is Chinese ingredients given a strange but lip smacking Indian twist. Chinese Bhel is Crispy Noodles with vegetables, tossed with sauce.

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