Stuffed Pear in Spiced Orange Sauce

Stuffed Pear in Spiced Orange Sauce

Stuffed Pear in Spiced Orange Sauce

The Only Lonely pear stared back at me from the fruit basket. And I did not feel like eating this fruit at all. I knew if I was another day late, it would start having the stale brown spots.  Well to save this little soul, I tried out this yummy fruity dessert. Long long time back I had come across a recipe( I do not remember where), which called for baking pears with the dessert wine Asti. I did not have any, so I just cooked up this easy way to boil it in the orange sauce. (I always love anything with orange or orange zest.)

Sending this for Fresh produce of the month-Pears.

& to FIC BROWN, hosted by Harini of TongueTicklers


  1. 1 Barlett Pear/Bosc or Any Pear
  2. 2 tablespoons Raisins
  3. 2 tablespoons chopped Almond
  4. 1 tablespoon Walnut/Pecans
  5. 1.5 teaspoon Orange zest
  6. 3 teaspoons of Confectionary Sugar
  7. 1 teaspoon of Butter
  8. Juice of 1 Orange ( 1 cup if using store bought juice)
  9. 1/2 teaspoon Ginger Juice
  10. 6 teaspoons of Sugar
  11. A pinch of Cinnamon
  12. A pinch of Red Chilli Powder/Cayenne Pepper


Pare and core the pear. Do not take away too much flesh while peeling.

In a bowl, combine raisins, almond, walnut, 1 teaspoon of confetionary sugar and a pinch of orange zest.

Stuff the pear with this mixture. If there are any extra, save them to garnish. Sprinkle the Pear with  2 teaspoon of confectionary sugar.

Heat butter in a pan. Place the pear on it & turn it around carefully ( the pear will still be stuffed) at high heat so the sides of the pear are light brown and caramalized. Set it aside.

For the Sauce:

Combine orange juice, sugar, rest of the zest, ginger juice, chilli powder & cinnamon in a pan and boil. Place the pear in this and cover it at boil at low heat. Take the pear out when the pear is soft and done but not yet breaking. (do be careful to retain the stuffing inside the pear)

Keep boiling the sauce till it reduces to about 1/4 of its original volume or little less. This consistency should be like maple syrup and not very sticky.

Spoon some of the sauce on the serving plate, cut the pear into half and place it on a the sauce. Spoon some sauce on it, and Serve it with Whipped Creme or Vanilla Icecream.

Note: It was kinda difficult to keep the dry stuffings inside the pear. Any thing sticky like a preserve or jam along with it would probably hold it better. Any ideas?

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