Tofu Peanut Stir Fry

This simple and quick vegetarian stir fry has a flavorful, spicy glaze and an addictive crunch. Tofu, peanuts and some greens – makes a perfect side with some noodles or rice for a satisfying healthy meal.



Braised Tofu in Spicy Sesame, Peanut Sauce

Tofu and vegetables are cooked in the aromatic Asian sesame oil and creamy peanut butter. This is a spicy, crunchy, healthy stir fry done in a few minutes time.



Microwave Cupcake

This is a 2 minute wonder. Another fantastic recipe for kids to do with very little help.



Stir Fried Ginger Tofu & Veggies with Brown Rice

This has been sitting in my draft for the longest time. The photos look pretty unappetizing even tho’ they tasted really good. All the zing & zest of the flavor of ginger could not uplift the mood of this post. But if i didn’t post it now it will never happen.

Tofu, […]


Chickpeas with Roasted Cumin and Tomatoes

You may call it a soup, a stoup, or a curry. Chickpeas simmered in a light tomato sauce with the smoky flavor of the roasted cumin will tantalizes your taste buds.

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