Mashed Pumpkin/Butternut Squash

Here is a mashed pumpkin recipe with a big twist from the traditional, with very different flavors.



Cauliflower with Nuts and Cranberries

A delightful week night side dish; quick, easy with a slight hint of spice. The cauliflower florets are cooked in the pan till tender and then sprinkled with nuts, dried fruits, green onions and some dressing.



Gingered Squash Soup

Ever heard of a kid who gobbled up all the vegetables without complaining? The kind who would frustrate her friends, for the moms of the friends would go into the sing song of the comparing game to why they should eat the vegetables without whining? That kid was me.



Mushroom Pepper Fry

Few fresh bell peppers, a whole basket full of hot chili peppers, some tomatoes & bitter gourds are a few things that I harvested from my yard a couple of days back; fresh, glossy & happy produce of my efforts through the summer.



Quinoa with Apricot, Asparagus & Almond

Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wah), is used as a whole grain, & has been an ancient food that is cultivated in South American Andes since at least 3,000 B.C. It has been a staple food of the native inhabitants. “The ancient Incas called quinoa the “mother grain” and revered it as sacred. Each year at planting […]


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