Happy Halloween and some Fall Recipes

Have a Happy Halloween!

The two Jack O Lanterns I carved for my Princesses this time…



Barley and Spinach Fall Salad with Maple Syrup Vinaigrette

This recipe got featured in the Maple Syrup World.

Yellow, red and orange, may be some brown too. I am slowly getting used to the pleasantly chilly morning and the evening and the comfortable nip in the air. There are not more than a few leaves turned red right now […]


Mashed Pumpkin/Butternut Squash

Here is a mashed pumpkin recipe with a big twist from the traditional, with very different flavors.



Butternut Squash with Black Beans and Walnuts

Smoky, spicy and lightly sweet; this is a very easy and simple dish to make. With all the abundance of the pumpkins and the squashes in stores and the blogsphere, I could not resist making this even if I had to do it just for myself.



Gingered Squash Soup

Ever heard of a kid who gobbled up all the vegetables without complaining? The kind who would frustrate her friends, for the moms of the friends would go into the sing song of the comparing game to why they should eat the vegetables without whining? That kid was me.

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