Spiced Strawberry Chutney


Strawberries are synonymous with spring and summer.




Spiced Cranberry Apple Jam/Chutney

Spices, apples and cranberries are the quintessential elements of autumn and the holidays. They are as much a part of the season as the hues of the leaves and the chilling weather; encompassing the colors, fragrance and the warmth. I have brought them together in one little jar and it is here to stay […]


Roasted Tomato and Lentil Dip

Yet another hummus? Quite close, but this time the inspiration of this recipe is closer the the Indian chutneys. An easy and versatile dip and a perfect way to use up the luscious summer tomatoes.



Mango Jam

A Spiced Jam…



Stuffed Khandvi: Savory Layered & Nut Stuffed Chickpea Swirls

These look like Khandvis, because they are Khandvis… only I have layered them & stuffed them. Basic old recipes are treasures, however sometimes when that adventurous itch rears it’s head, I need to give in to my temptations to the looming who knows what will happen. Sometimes the adventure is a disaster, […]


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