Melon Fruit Bowl

The fruits bowls are from my backyard – yes the cantaloupes. We harvested about eight cantaloupes this year; not a lot but the garden had been harassed and devoured by our bunnies, even before the plants got to grow.



Cherry and Apricot Clafoutis

Clafoutis – (pronounced Kla-foo-tee) is a kind of baked fruity custard dessert, mine here done with the dark bing cherries and apricots.

What is a Clafoutis, one might ask? A lovely way to celebrate and showcase summer I would say – subtle, light, airy sweet bites richly studded with juicy fruits and the so […]


Blueberry Lime Muffins

Summer filled mini muffins! Ripe tender blueberries with every bite and the hint of tart and freshness that compensates the intense sweet – that is what these muffins offer.



Buttermilk Biscuit

Nothing beats the light, flaky homemade biscuits; hot, steaming fresh from the oven served with a generous amount of butter. My favorite way to have them.



Eggless Choco-Nut Banana Bread

A few sad bananas made a happy healthy bread.

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