Eggless Choco-Nut Banana Bread

Choco-Nut Banana Bread

A few sad bananas made a happy healthy bread.

Please do not throw away the over ripe sorry looking bananas! I bet every home once in a while goes through the time when the kitchen is filled up with the aroma (or the stink for me, for I am not a banana person at all) of the bananas turning black and ugly. Not a happy sight on that counter top. I think many times before I get ourselves a bunch of bananas; this time was different. DD2 was going through a phase when she wanted bananas for snack and lunch. Then just as expected from a fickle 4 year old, the bananas had no use in her life any more. The passion was gone, the bananas did not taste the same anymore,  it is a fruit for the creatures who swing from the trees and of course the final statement – “I do not want them anymore”.

For myself I cannot stand the sight of black and brown bananas but I did feel guilty having them make their way to the trash can. It was a quick decision made for banana bread is not black bananas. Banana bread is good and probably the easiest thing to do, and banana bread with chocolate and nuts is even better.

This is not a unique recipe. Most of you must already have made a banana bread at least once, but it is exceptionally easy to make, it is eggless and there is least chance that anything might go wrong here. Finally it is one healthy thing to eat!.

Eggless Choco-Nut Banana Bread

Ingredients: (yields one loaf in a 9 X 12 pan)

  1. 3 cups whole wheat flour + more for dusting
  2. a pinch of salt
  3. 2 teaspoons baking powder
  4. 1/3 cup flaxseed powder
  5. 1/3 cup + 1 cup orange juice or almond milk (or milk for a non vegan version)
  6. 1/4 cup oil
  7. 1 teaspoon almond extract or vanilla extract
  8. 1 cup sugar
  9. 1 cup mashed banana, about 3-4 bananas depending on the size
  10. 1 cup chopped semisweet chocolate
  11. 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  12. 1 cups chopped nuts (I used walnuts)


Preheat oven to 350 degree F. Lightly grease a 9 X 12 loaf pan.

Sift flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking powder.

Combine flaxseed powder with 1/3 cup orange juice/milk/almond milk (depending on what you are using), and let it sit for about 10 minutes.

In another large bowl combine oil, sugar, mashed banana, and the rest of the juice/milk/almond milk, vanilla/almond extract. Add the flaxseed powder mix to this and stir to combine.

Add the flour mix to this wet ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until just blended. This is going to be a sticky gooey mix.

Dust the chocolate pieces and the nuts with flour. Carefully fold them into the dough.

Spoon the dough into the loaf pan and bake for about an hour to hour and a half or till the toothpick comes out clean (it took 60 minutes in the convection oven).

Cool completely for about 15 minutes before turning the bread over. Slice only when completely cool or it will fall apart.

Choco-Nut Banana Bread

A bread which is nutty, filled with chocolate and with a fantastic texture! Banana bread is good, toasted and smeared with butter, or warmed up a little and served with ice cream for dessert or dipped in egg and milk and fried up as French Toast for breakfast or served just by itself with a cuppa or a few quick bites for a guilt free snack. See how fantastic it is? Be creative and use the bread any time of the day.
How do you eat your banana bread?

Choco-Nut Banana Bread

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