Skillet Eggs with Potatoes and Mushrooms

A lazy weekend morning; no rush to go out, no big plans, no get together with friends, just looking forward to having a fabulous time at home, be together. That is what it was like the last weekend.



Dum Aloo: Potatoes Simmered in Spices & Coconut Milk

Talking of Dum Aloo…There are some hundreds of ways to make Dum Aloo. In West Bengal it used to be a must dish served for weddings with “Radhaballavi” (lentil stuffed puri), and I loved the slight & subtle sweet taste of that kind of dum aloo.

Also […]


Labra: A Festive Combination of Vegetables and Spices

These two months of September & October make me extremely homesick. The cool air, clear skies and the while floating clouds spill out all the memories of the biggest religious festival of West Bengal: Durga Puja, the community celebration, and along with that very special food.




White Potatoes with Nigella

White Potatoes with Nigella

Everyone needs a comfort food. This is one of mine.. something which stirs my memories, soothes me with them and make me want to eat and feel good. This simple dish always brings in the weekends when I was school going kid in uniform and […]


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