These are not the everyday kind of cookies. No wheat flour, no egg, no butter and absolutely no sugar – and they still taste morish and delicious. Rustic, wholesome and mind it, with a crumbly texture, these cookies remind me more of a health bar, than a dessert.
Baking is therapeutic for me. Along with the calm feeling instilled by the warmth of the oven and the wonderfully smelling home, there arises within me a tiny bit of triumph with every success, a little smile and a small pat on the back.
A lazy weekend morning; no rush to go out, no big plans, no get together with friends, just looking forward to having a fabulous time at home, be together. That is what it was like the last weekend.
Frittata is “a type of Italian omelette that frequently features fillings such as meats, cheeses, and vegetables. Like a traditional French omelette, a frittata is prepared in a skillet. However, whereas an omelette is cooked on a stovetop and served folded, a frittata is first partially cooked on a stovetop but then broiled (grilled) […]
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