Vegan Basil Pesto



Vegan Basil Pesto was featured in the Mother Earth Living/Herb Companion – A Basil Lover’s Guide to Basil (May 2012, in print)



Pesto is one ingenious way to bottle the true essence of summer.

Some fresh basil have filled my home and hands with a delightful aroma which […]


Chili Garlic Paste

Chili Garlic paste is a basic element for any kitchen. Every corner of the earth uses this combination some time or the other, and for various culinary uses.



Anarosher Chutney – Indian Spiced Pineapple Chutney

Included in Gourmet Live’s Weekly Roundup: Pineapple Perfection


While the word “Chutney” is universally used, the word itself and the concept of this condiment is loaned from India. In general terms, Chutney can refer to anything from a simple relish, to pickles or even preserves and can be sweet or savory […]


Beetroot Raita – Lightly Seasoned Beetroot and Yogurt Salad

We have been celebrating Spring. Today’s post is mostly a collage of this wondrous time.

The past few days have been gorgeous. Balmy air, blue skies and the soft delicate petals on the trees, have dressed the earth as beautifully as it possibly can.



Aam Murabba/Green Mango Relish

Call it a chutney, a relish or a murabba – whatever you may, this lip smacking slightly crunchy and sweet-sour recipe is irresistible. Extremely easy and versatile, the relish with a coarse perky texture and exotic flavor will make you literally lick your fingers clean.

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