Brussels Sprouts with Coriander, Mint Chutney and Nuts



Here is a light Indian twist to the Brussels sprouts. These were cooked until tender crisp and flavored with the Indian Mint and Coriander Chutney.

Of all the ways I have had the Brussels sprouts so for, this is my favorite for now. Spicy, tangy amalgamates with a refreshing splash of flavor.



Lau-er Khosha Bata: Chutney with Bottle Gourd Peel



This is an old recipe, revived, bringing in tides of nostalgia.

A recipe that strongly arouses memories of my childhood days with my grandparents. A grandpa immersed in books and a grandma who I like to associate with having a black wooden bureau adorned with wrought iron lions handles. I would like […]


Fall Ratatouille with Paneer and Harissa



This recipe is a celebration of autumn, of festivities and traditions. Since I am always sailing the ship of nostalgia, trying to look back and finding some fine line that connects me to the past, the Ratatouille always reminds me of one comforting recipe of home.




Sautéed Chard with Pine Nuts



The light crunch and the nutty but delicate flavor of the toasted pine nuts enhances this simply sauteed chard. Just a little sprinkle of the nuts is all that it needs to tie together the taste of the earthy greens with the hint of smoky cumin and charred pepper.




Kumro Chenchki: Stir Fried Pumpkin with Bengali Five Spice for A Food Lover’s Journey



I have a very humble recipe from home today.



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