Thai Fried Rice

Khao Pad is what it is called – Thai: khao (is rice) + pad (of or relating to being stir-fried). Mine is a colorful & aromatic Thai inspired Fried Rice. I am not claiming that this is authentic, but it is rice & it is stir fried. I did not have very […]


Cauliflower Stir Fry in Ginger & Soy Sauce

Children are a joy & mine are growing very very fast. Birthdays are such a special time, but these days always bring in a down tone for me… the years are just flying by, and soon I will have no tiny, helpless, clinging baby to hold:-( Well, we have to […]


Chinese Bhel




It is Indo Chinese. It is Chinese ingredients given a strange but lip smacking Indian twist. Chinese Bhel is Crispy Noodles with vegetables, tossed with sauce.

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