Rose Milk – for PINKTOBER

Mentioned in The Kitchn!

Rose Milk is simply a blend of milk and tender fragrant rose petals. It is simple but elegant and conjures up an image which is truly unique and very much like a fairy tale; dreamy pretty pink (hmmm…not exactly), exotic and meant just for girls and […]


Semolina and Almond Halwa

This delicious dessert redolent of cardamom and saffron is a huge favorite with my girls. The warm aroma of the roasting semolina and the cardamom in ghee quickly draws them to the kitchen and they wait with their hands on their hips with the continuous sing song “Is it done yet?…”




“Shondesh” is what it is called in West Bengal, “Sandesh” it is elsewhere, & Cheese Fudge is the closest translation I can come up with. “It’s dry yet moist in sweetness. It won’t exactly melt in your mouth but its sweet aftertaste lures your taste buds to bite into more such soft wonders. That, […]


Saffron Yogurt Mousse with Rose Petal Honey

This dessert is an adaptation of some pretty well known names.. Mousse, Panna Cotta & the Shrikhand. It is light like a mousse, creamy like a panna cotta & flavored like a shrikhand with the ingredient here being the yogurt. I love mousse & panna cottas but if I really think about […]


Phirni: Rice Pudding with Saffron & Nuts



This is a recipe I learned to make this from a very dear friend of mine. Once upon a time on a Friday evening, my friend F walked in with a big bowl of dessert; so aromatic and enticing that I immediately uncovered to see what this orange yellow cream speckled with […]


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