Spiced Chocolate Bundt Cake with Cranberries and Almonds #BundtAMonth



The holiday season has arrived. Again; a season which compels one to bake, indulge and play with the warm aroma of the spices.




Caramelized Orange and Chocolate Layer Cake

No hearts, no pinks, no frills. Only an intensely indulgent, not so good looking, orange chocolate cake. The day is just an excuse to indulge ourselves.



Orange Flavored Chocolate Cake

We are back from a tiny trip; a few hours away from home and a very relaxed few days.



Mocha Rum Cake

I think the “Mocha Rum Cake” says it all; chocolate, rum and some strong brewed coffee.



Eggless Chocolate, Zucchini, Nut Bread

Rich, irresistible and moist; packed with different types of nuts, zucchini and double dose of heavenly chocolate is this sweet, eggless, quick bread. Even though it is baked as a loaf bread, the texture and taste comes closer to a decadent chocolate cake more than that of a bread.

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