Barley and Spinach Fall Salad with Maple Syrup Vinaigrette

This recipe got featured in the Maple Syrup World.

Yellow, red and orange, may be some brown too. I am slowly getting used to the pleasantly chilly morning and the evening and the comfortable nip in the air. There are not more than a few leaves turned red right now […]


Jewel Salad

No treasure hunts, no hidden jewels , just a plain old but pretty & colorful salad. Since our lunch consists of quick wholesome salads most of the time, I try to incorporate different things at different times.



Barley Salad with Peppers, Beans…& Everything Else

At 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March people around the world will unite and switch off their lights for one hour – The Earth Hour, for our Earth, our Home. In 2009, Earth Hour will take place in more than 80 countries around the world. “1,672 cities, towns and municipalities in 80 countries […]


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