Nimki – The Crunchy Little Diamond

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The arrival of fall here, with crisp air, and wide fluffy clouds in the deep blue skies reminds me very much of Durga Puja. Having grown up in the West Bengal, in the eastern regions of India, this is the […]


Fusion Farinata

Have you ever wondered how a certain dish can bear similarities, not just in various regions of one country but all over the world? One time I was going to make some instant Dhoklas-(a steamed fluffy bread made of chick pea flour/besan), and I realized I […]


Chinese Bhel




It is Indo Chinese. It is Chinese ingredients given a strange but lip smacking Indian twist. Chinese Bhel is Crispy Noodles with vegetables, tossed with sauce.

var linkwithin_site_id = 36113; (function () { var elem = document.createElement(‘script’); elem.type = ‘text/javascript’; elem.src = ‘’ + Math.random(); document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(elem); })(); […]


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