Laden with the perfume of the saffron and fresh mint, this indeed is a regal dish to savor. If you are willing to deviate a little from the traditional meal planning for the holidays, this is for you. Fragrant Basmati rice is interlaced with the caramelized onions and the tender, subtly spiced koftas.
This is a fragrant rice recipe with a medley of vegetable and spices. Rice plays an important role in the Indian cuisine. If you have frequented an Indian home or even an Indian restaurant, you would have noticed that there is at least one rice dish.
Featured in the The Kitchn- Delicious Links. Biryani is a well known rice dish from the Indian sub continent. It is a magnificent dish redolent of myriad spices, saffron and caramelized onions, and is probably the most aromatic rice ever cooked. In all its elegance, it is a dish fit to be served on […]
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