Savoring the streets of Aspen




A tiny bite of our trip to Colorado during the summer was in Aspen.  We immediately fell in love with this quaint, charming little town.



A place with soaring heights and Food & Wine,


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Aspens – rows and rows of elegant trees.




Other than the Maroon Bells, the lofty mountains, water falls and the Silver Queen Gondola rides, there was downtown – with the roads laid out with bricks. Flowers with blazing colors hung and adorned every corner. There were street musicians, art galleries, bikes, fountains, food and gelato- all things wonderful brought together in one place.  We were mesmerized.





Chocolate & Wine have many uses… We found some wine and chocolate dyed shirts.



a lot of music at every corner.





Pull yourself a chair,


in the heart of the mountains,



and have a drink.

Take a glimpse of what stole our hearts.



The streets will entertain you in many ways.




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and colors are scattered all around.


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Happy souls spreading excitement and glee.


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Walk around and pick where you want to eat. There are plenty to choose from.

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Some very friendly people are busy getting the tables ready for you.



You will  have a lot of  company.




If you are not ready yet, have an gelato or rent a bike


ride  around the town and stop once in a while to just breathe in the delight.

shaved ice


You will be surrounded by the mountains


the charms and the spirits will surely be reflected… in the window of your mind.


Just  remember that

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it really is!




When the night falls and



and you have worked up an appetite, walk to your restaurant. We did.

We dined a “the wild fig“. We were hungry; there was no time to take photographs. But the food was good.



The menu is written up on the mirror. We also got a menu card.


another day unveils and it was time for us to leave.


But we left our hearts in Aspen.





And we will wait until we can go back again…

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for there are many more mountains to climb.



[Submitting the Monochrome photos above to Susan of The Well Seasoned Cook for her B&W Wednesday.]







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