One Year!

First Year

One Year of blogging...Our Blog turned ONE!

One year passed pretty quick, but with the creation of a wealthy repository in our lives. It has been a pretty hike;  learning, discovering, making good friends & connections all over the world along the way. That is what makes the year so special. The feeling is overwhelming, as any blogger would know, as special as any first birthday or anniversary. Blogging has become a part of our family  life now.

Looking behind, the conception of eCurry was full of excitement between Arjun & me;  I was hesitant, he was encouraging, our discussions almost secretive, but vibrant, almost childish, but we were together with a mission! With his technical & artistic skills, & my recipes, the blog was born.  In less than a month the site was set up, in less than an hour the About page done, all emotions pouring out. Then came the recipes & the routine involved with them; the cooking, picture, writing, posting & also waiting very very patiently for someone to come by to visit us:-). I have waited a year, but here I want to give a Humongous thanks to my cousin sister for her spirit to follow this blog, every post, every word since day one. Thank you dear one for your wishes & continuous support!

During all this time, & a few months before that we were visiting a few blogs & gathering inspirations – all those who have done such a wonderful job with the recipes & photographs & have been doing it for a few years now, they played a very big role to have us started. There are too many to name, but we would want to extend our heart full of thanks to all of them.

Then came Bee from Jugalbandi one day & left a comment saying that we should add our blog to Foodworld (Thank you Sweet Supriya of RedChillies, for doing such an awesome job for all of us). Thank you Bee. That was the beginning of our interaction…  all of you – our readers, our friends who make the most important feature of the blog, who keep us looking forward & going, started dropping by one by one, slowly but you did & the connections were finally made. Please know that our “Thanks” go to each & every one of you.

Our Readers & Friends, we owe it all to you, & we thank you with all our heart & soul for getting us to this completion of a year. We could not have done without you.  You have taken your time & visited us, helped & supported when we needed, read & left comments & appreciations; & that is what keeps us going. We have come to know you one by one, from near & far; with some we have made friends & got personally connected & are now a familiar name among us. You have enriched our life.. what can be more beautiful than that?

For us it has been a big exploration & experience; a journey, discovering hidden interests & capabilities which we never knew existed & we want to keep on going, pursuing this further ahead, with all of you:-)  I know we can never thank you enough, but a Big Thank you again.


– Arjun & Soma

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