Lemon Layer Cake with Yogurt and Strawberries



A spring cake for a picnic. The slightly tangy and sweet flavors make this a delightfully refreshing combination.





Ranga Aloo-r Pantua: Sweet Potato Dumplings in Syrup and a Giveaway



The giveaway is now closed.

April brings showers, but in my heart, April also brings in sweet nostalgia of Poila Boishak or Bengali New Year. The smell of new clothes, the rolled calendars that the shopkeepers hand out as it marks the beginning of […]


Lemon Tofu Squares



Lemon tarts are something I have always had a special kind of fondness for. I would walk past the curved glass cases enclosing rows of creamy swirls that topped the luscious layered pastries and went straight for the lemon bars or the tarts. There is something about the tart, creamy smoothness of […]


Beetroot Halwa


This is probably the one of the very few recipes out of five hundred and more in the blog that I will have posted after making it only for the very first time. But the assuring news is that this recipe will be repeated for years to come.




Seviyan ki Kheer: Indian Vermicelli Pudding



I am listening to Donovan’s On this Lovely Day and Brother Sun and Sister Moon as I write this post.


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