Treasures from Home – Black and White Wednesday

Flowers in a teapot

I went home after 6 years, and only the second time since my ma left us. I spent more time than last time – arranged a few things around, and dug through the forgotten treasures.

Treasures from home - plates and kettle

Treasures from Home

for Susan’s Black and White Wednesday.

Plates, bowls, kettles made of brass and German silver, lay in corners; layered with dust and oxidation, discolored and uncared for. And these at one time used to shine through the shelves of my grandma. Later they were ours, used by ma. Often times they would be used beyond her culinary needs. Ma would beautifully arrange flowers  and herbs in some of these… which remain fresh only in my heart now.

I got a few of them back with me, scrubbed them clean and placed them on my shelves. Every single time I look up and see them, I connect with my ma and my grandma, my past, my life, and I miss them ever so much.

Flowers in a teapot

for Susan’s Black and White Wednesday.

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