A CSN Giveaway!

A Giveaway!!

Comments for this Giveaway have been closed as per the date and time. The winner will be picked and the Lucky Winner will be announced soon. Stay tuned.

I have done a review of the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker from the CSN Stores a couple of months back. This time the CSN Promo Team contacted me to say they selected me as a CSN Preferred Blogger. What that means is that I get another chance to either review a product or do a giveaway to readers of eCurry.

It is a Giveaway to my readers this time!

Holiday times are approaching and you have a choice of thousands of  attractive products the CSN Stores sell that you can pick for yourself or your family and friends. They carry whatever you would need; Dining Tables, housewares, toys, kids furniture, home decor and home improvement, health and fitness etc. Shop at the comfort of your own home from their 200+online stores.

The Giveaway is a one-time-use $75 gift certificate for one happy winner to use as they wish on any of the CSN websites.

What do you have to do?

  1. Leave a comment on this post and (This part is optional: I want to know what kind of posts/recipes you are looking for in a food related blog. Please leave an honest opinion ONLY if you want to. I will try to improve and work on my blog with your feedback.)
  2. Tweet about this giveaway for an extra entry leaving a comment for each tweet and share.
  3. Share this post in any social networking sites and leave a comment each time.

Comments close on 17 th September 2010, Friday at 8 pm Eastern Time. I will pick a winner by the random number generator thereafter and soon announce the lucky winner.

The giveaway is only open to residents of the US and Canada for shipping restrictions – (If you have an address in US / Canada where the product can be shipped it will work) . Keep in mind though that there may be international shipping charges in the case of Canadian addresses

Please leave a contact/email in your comment or email it to me if you wish to be included in the giveaway. If you are not sure if your blog ‘s email is set or if you don’t have a blog, please include your contact/email in the post so I can contact you if you win!

Good Luck!

Photo: Courtesy CSN STORES

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Review of the Ice Cream Maker

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