Sweet Meloncholy

Melon Drink 4

A sweet & fruity, summer melon drink.

Brimming with the tropical flavors of coconut & pineapple along with the vibrant watermelon, this is a juicy cocktail to enjoy on a hot summer evening. Yet another drink & name coined by Arjun which we really enjoyed. The kids got their share without the alcohol & enjoyed sipping the fresh mingle of summer.

Melon Drink 1

Sweet Meloncholy

Ingredients: (serves 3)
Note: All the fruits, juices, cream should be chilled before use.

  1. 2 Cups Watermelon pieces
  2. 3/4 Cup Pineapple pieces
  3. 1/4 Cup Coconut Milk
  4. 1/2 Cup Orange Juice
  5. 1 Tablespoon Sugar (or to taste)
  6. 4 Cubes Ice
  7. 1.5 oz White Rum
  8. 1/2 oz Banana Liqueur


Combine all ingredients in the blender & blend it smooth.

Note: There might be some fruit pieces in the cocktail, we liked them. If you want a smoother cocktail, just run it thru’ a sieve.

Melon Drink 2

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