An “Angel’s Delight” for your Sweetheart…


A drink with Love as the main ingredient! 

This is a  wonderful dessert cocktail to serve at any party or just between the two of you:-). Arjun made this for me as you can probably guess;-) We will have another round of this on the Valentine’s day. Much to my delight, he loves experimenting with cocktails & mocktails & most of the times the outcomes are fabulous. The  recipe is from “Classic & Contemporary COCKTAILS” . Angel’s Delight is a version of Pousse Cafe, an unmixed mixed drink. This means that if you have steady hand, you could make different layers with the different ingredients, to form a rainbow effect.

It is a sweet fruity flavored cocktail which uses Sloe Gin. “Sloe gin is a red coloured liqueur flavoured with sloe berries, the fruit of the blackthorn, a relative of the plum. Sloe gin has an alcohol content between 15 to 30 percent by volume (30-60 proof).

The traditional way of making sloe gin is to infuse gin with the berries. Sugar is required to ensure that the sloe juices are extracted from the fruit. Almond flavoring may be added.” (Wiki). Here is how Sloe Gin is made.


Ingredients: (Serves 1)

  1. A Heartful of Love
  2. 0.5 oz  Chilled Grenadine
  3. 1 oz  Chilled Triple Sec
  4. 1 oz  Chilled Sloe Gin (we used Hiram Walker)
  5. 1 oz  Chilled Light Cream


Start with a warm loving heart…

Chill a Flute or a Shot glass (Reduce the amounts above if you are using a shot glass).

Pour the Grenadine into the shot glass or the champagne flute.

With a steady hand pour the Triple Sec to form a second layer.

Add the Sloe Gin to make a third layer.

Carefully add the light cream on the top. 


The picture below was taken by Arjun before the light cream was added. Another of our CLICK !RED experiments:-)

Happy Valentine’s Day! Do take time out of your busy schedule & share some special time with your loved ones….Sending this delight to The Alchemist Chef for the Valentine’s Day Recipe  & to Create with Love for Love  hosted at AsanKhana.

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