This recipe is a celebration of autumn, of festivities and traditions. Since I am always sailing the ship of nostalgia, trying to look back and finding some fine line that connects me to the past, the Ratatouille always reminds me of one comforting recipe of home.
Summer brings in colors, vibrancy, fresh fruits and vegetables and also the sun and the heat. And the kind of heat this time that I am ready to do a fast forward in time and step into the crisp autumn time.
This recipe was included in the Gourmet Live Round Up:Stews and Cassoulets!
This recipe was born out of a memory from my childhood – a trip taken long time back with my parents. It was winter time. The town was small, neither plush nor remote – near the ruins of […]
Summer sneaked out alright, but the tomatoes did not. Not here. That is why I love Texas. While we simmer in the summer heat, the fall is the time to really be outside and enjoy, more like what you call “summer” else where.
Yet another hummus? Quite close, but this time the inspiration of this recipe is closer the the Indian chutneys. An easy and versatile dip and a perfect way to use up the luscious summer tomatoes.
var linkwithin_site_id = 36113; (function () { var elem = document.createElement(‘script’); elem.type = ‘text/javascript’; elem.src = ‘’ + Math.random(); […]
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