This is a continuation of the saga of the Aloo Vadas/Fried Potato Dumplings. I will not write much today except for a little note on the evolution of this dish.
Fall is one of the special times of the year. The vibrant colors, the sparkling sun (which is very very soothing after the the burning summer sun of Texas), the light breeze with an occasional nip which reminds you that winter is not far away but at the same time makes you breathe in […]
A lazy weekend morning; no rush to go out, no big plans, no get together with friends, just looking forward to having a fabulous time at home, be together. That is what it was like the last weekend.
I love Mediterranean food; any time of the day, any number of days, I can just indulge into the wonderful warm flavors of the food. The best part about Mediterranean cooking is that it combines taste, flavors & the health factor all together.
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